After The Funeral Service
The funeral service is arranged and then it is over – what happens next? Some families feel like they are lost and don’t know what to do. The crowds of visitors have gone and you or other members of your family may feel the need to speak to someone else. In some instances with severe reactions of grief or other health related issues, it may be imperative to seek professional help. Some of the organisations listed below provide specific types of welfare and advice, while others may be able to help with assistance in other matters.
We have listed below many of the organisations that may be of assistance.
Organisations that may be able help you.
Australian Centre for Grief & Bereavement (03) 9265 2111
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Department of Veterans Affairs
Lifeline (general support)
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Returned Service League of Victoria
State Coroners Office of Victoria
Suicide Lifeline (crisis help and grief and loss) 13 11 14
Support for loss of a child (03) 9888 4944 or 1800641091
Support for loss of a stillborn or neonatal baby (SANDS) (03) 9899 0218
Victims of Crime Helpline 1800 819817