Pre Arranged Funeral Plans
Planning for your funeral in advance
means you can avoid leaving your family with
unnecessary financial and emotional stress.
As difficult as it can sometimes be, it makes sense to consider your funeral arrangements prior to passing. This helps your family in reducing difficult decisions when you pass away and ensures your important wishes will be carried out.
When thinking about your funeral, some considerations will be:
- Burial or cremation
- Coffin or casket selection
- Floral tributes
- Who you would like to conduct the service and Eulogy
- Eulogy content
- Chosen music/poetry/readings
- Music you might like to be played during the service
- Chosen photographic presentations
- What you may wish to be dressed in
- Any donations to charitable organisations
- Where and when to hold the funeral
- People to be contacted
Please contact us if you would like further assistance with pre-arranging your funeral or your loved one’s funeral on 03 9726 8724.